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Table 1
Introduction thru Chess Problem #15 |
Table 2
Chess Problems #16 to #50 |
Table 3
Chess Problems #51 to #89 |
Table 4
Appendix Other Games |
"The game of Great Chess that was made in India after the manner of how the Old Kings used to make their armies of knights and pawns and stand them in ranks to show their power and so that their enemies would fear them."
The game used eight kinds of pieces: King, Aanca (The mythical bird the Rok), Crocodile, Giraffe, Rhinoceros, Lion, Rook, Pawns.
King: "can jump to the third orthogonal or diagonal square like
a Queen [on his/her first move] or to the first orthogonal or
diagonal square, he captures, is shielded and is safe from check unless
there is another piece in between."
Aanca (The mythical bird the Rok), Its jumping movement is such
that if it is on a black square, it will go to the next black diagonal
square like a Queen and then as much as it likes in a straight line. Likewise
if it is on white. If it is on black then it cannot go to the four white
squares surrounding it. Likewise if it is (starts) on white. it cannot
move to the four surrounding black squares.